What Makes a Good Work-Life Balance

Photo by Artem Verbo on Unsplash

I grew up in Mexico, the United States is my home, and I currently reside in Europe. What a benefit it has been to see how people approach work-life balance across multiple cultures. There are enormous variations!

Recently, I met someone who goes swimming during her lunch break, just as I do. How cool is it to have time to do something for yourself during the workday! I am very lucky to have a job that allows me to create my schedule and, in that, try to find a work-life balance. The reality of the American way and culture of "hustle" and "grind" has been linked to qualities like determination, ambition, and achievement. The idea is that constant hard work is essential to reaching your goals. This mentality also connects a person's value to what they produce. However, this approach can lead to a decline in personal well-being.

Thinking about what makes a good work-life balance, I wanted to share some of my thoughts regarding how a company can promote an environment that is good for all:

  1. Encourage Physical Activity: Physical activity is essential for maintaining good health. Exercise produces endorphins, which will make someone happy. Encourage employees to take short breaks for stretching or walking. Consider providing gym facilities or organizing group exercise sessions, providing an option to finance a gym membership or wellness classes.

  2. Prioritize Mental Health: Mental health is as crucial as physical health. Create a stigma-free environment where employees feel comfortable discussing mental health concerns. Offer counseling services, workshops, or seminars on stress management and resilience. Encourage a healthy work-life balance and discourage excessive overtime.

  3. Promote Healthy Eating Habits: Healthy eating habits are vital for overall well-being. Provide nutritious snacks in the workplace, promote drinking water, and discourage excessive consumption of sugary drinks or junk food. Consider organizing nutrition workshops, and perhaps provide discounts for healthy lunch options.

  4. Flexible Work Arrangements: Offering flexible work arrangements where possible, such as remote work options or flexible hours, can help employees manage their work and personal responsibilities effectively. This flexibility can reduce stress and improve overall job satisfaction, leading to a healthier workforce.

  5. Promote Work-Life Balance: Encourage employees to use their vacation days and avoid a culture of overworking. Respect employees' time outside of work, and avoid sending work-related emails or messages during non-working hours. Encourage employees to disconnect from work when they are on vacation to ensure they come back refreshed and rejuvenated.

  6. Education and Awareness Programs: Encourage employees to learn about something of their interest and support it. 

  7. Provide enough Parental Leave: Provide more than twelve weeks of parental leave. Perhaps follow Europe where the average is twenty-six weeks and both parents are covered.

Promoting workforce wellness requires a holistic approach that addresses physical, mental, and emotional well-being. By implementing these strategies, employers can create a workplace where employees thrive, leading to increased productivity, reduced absenteeism and turnover, and a positive company culture. Investing in the well-being of employees is an investment in the success and sustainability of the organization.

Written bySandy Rivera, Recruiting Coordinator at Hunter Crown, LLC

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